The WIESENKNOPF® private childcare in Leipzig in its own specifically rented establishments

WIESENKNOPF's on-site childcare (VOB) is a good alternative and addition to the usual childcare facilities. We created a form of childcare that enables us to meet near-term requests. In addition, we are able to cover flexible time bands additionally to the hours of  kindergarten and day care. In rooms rented especially for this purpose, we take care for the children on a hourly, daily, weekly and/or monthly basis, depending on the needs of the family. Therefore, our establishments are  also ideal for the transition to kindergarten or day care, as children and parents can gradually get used to "cutting the cord" and to another attachement figure. Our small group size (maximum of five children per carer) also contributes to this. Hence we are able to provide individual care for children from the age of 0 in mixed age groups near-term. Flexible care times, seven days a week, regardless of day or night time, are a central element of our offer. We have a total of three on-site establishments in the city centre, in Gohlis and in the South of the city (Südvorstadt).All flats are suitable for children and have a large playroom, a kitchen, a bathroom and  a bedroom, as well as a contiguous patio or a garden. This conforms to the the highest safety standards for infants.


VOB Südvorstadt

Arndtstraße 11, 04275 Leipzig

WIESENKNOPF® Südvorstadt

VOB Gohlis

Marbachstraße 2, 04155 Leipzig


VOB Zentrum

Jacobstraße 9, 04105

WIESENKNOPF® private Kinderbetreuung für Kinder ab 0 Jahren in Leipzig

WIESENKNOPF® Pedagogic concept

Our pedagogic concept is based on the situational approach and aims to foster the individual development in all daily situations, especially to discover the individual and shared discovery of the world as well as the social and communicative skills. We support children with different social and cultural background to design their environment self-determined and responsibly. With great tactfulness the welcare and care of a child is provided by the carer and an imaginative and a familial environment is established. The carer understands his work as a supporting companion and as a attentive observer of the children. He or she gives impulses and supports the child within the activities. Here, the exchange between parents and the carer plays a main role which is provided by a short talk before delivery and after the pickup about the experiences of the day. To ease the transition between parents and the carer, we take up the rituals  and daily structures of childminders and kindergartens taking into account the education and development programme of the Free State of Saxony. We provice a place where children are encouraged to find their expression in a playful way and to unfold freely. We are responsible companions of children in their self-development and we try to corroboratively support them in their daily examination of their environment. We go into the children's special needs and foster their individual aptitudes and capabilities. We support the development of mental skills and interests in the sectors of media, environment, linguistic education, mathematic education, sports and exercises, health and nourishment, music and aesthetic education with a great spectrum of offers. We would like to foster the independence and self-activity optimally with great empathy and to help with words and deeds. We see our responsibility likewise in the task to anticipate resolve the difficulties of individual children so that every child is happy and successful. The meeting of maximum 5 children in heterogeneous group, even though the groups are modified quite often, is affected by fixed rules, rituals and tasks and so the children have a transparent and secure environment which they can shape and take active responsibility for. A respectful and trustful handling is therefore very important for us and children are supported by a fair and equal cooperation. Next to the daily routines just as shared meals, playing and discovering together, being a lot of time outdoorsy – either in parks or at the playground,  the child and the carer encounter each other on a creative basis.

WIESENKNOPF® on-site establishment

On the basis of the Berlin model of familarisation it is important for us to support the children as well as the parents to arrive in a new environment easily. Our flexible concept is therefore a special challenge. Sometimes we take care of children very near-time and just for few hours or days. Furthermore, parents are sometimes in an emergency situation which leads to a quick handing over of the child. This causes a lot of familarisations at the establishments. However, for us it is important that the child has a smooth transition to the new environment and the attachement figure and feels comfortable. We are achieving this through sensible responding to needs of each child. Our carers are trained for the familarisation situations so that even though we have to be flexible we can give the children security and reliabilty in their new setting. We have recurrent rituals that are inherent part of our daily routine and a special staffing conditions (during familarisation 1-2 caretakers and 3-5 children) which enables an individual care and a secure arrival in the group. It is important that a child brings his or her familiar things from home such as the favourite soft toy or a comfort blanket. This facilitates the transition into a foreign surrounding for the child. In addition, on familarisation days we do not offer special activities or large excursions in order to not overstrain the child unnecessary. However, the well-being for all children must be considered during the familarisation time. For the other children (even if not noticeable) the presence of other parents means stress. Therefore, the familarisation has to be modulated with caution with the rest of the group. We recommend that parents are not present more than one hour per familarisation day in the same room since the child therefore establishes a relationship to the actual care situation. Of course, every child and its needs is different which can be experienced exactly through that.


Due to that it is possible that children stay with us for a few hours even on the first day. Above all, it is always possible to have individual agreements with the carer. All in all the familarisation should not be longer than two weeks. During the familarisation the parents play a big part and should strengthen their child to accept the new carer as an attachement figure and as a helper.


A talk previously taken place should help that all uncertainties of the parents are cleared. Furthermore, much information about the day structure the concept of WIESENKNOPF® could be found on our website. We have very good experience with the concept of the familarisation and we please you to give us faith into it.

WIESENKNOPF® Daily routine

The WIESENKNOPF daily routine is oriented on the theories of Saxon kindergartens. In the morning and in the afternoon children have free playtime,  time to be creative, to explore their childlike curiosity, to read and look at books, to make music, to dance, to do handicrafts, to play outside and to explore their environment. The outdoor area and the interior room are designed as a place for shared activities, to expand the horizon of experiences of the children and offer the possibility to run riot or to calm down for an imaginative or individual play. The pedagogic offer of the carer is oriented on the child's interests and needs. Their cognitive and sensorimotor skills are supported such as a social cooperation. About noon (11.30) all children are brought together for a meal and this promises a reliable haven of tranquility in the daily routine. For us, a healthy, well-balanced, rich in vitamins and child-friendly meal is important. After that, we have about 2 hours of calming down and sleeping in a shared bedroom. At 3 pm we have vesper and then, the children can play and use the offers for example of theatre, dance or handicraft works. The daily routine is an orientation and is fitted to each individual need. Age-related and therefore varying eating and sleeping times, such as an earlier lunchtime or a nap in the forenoon are always integrated into the daily routine.