Basic course “Kindertagespflege”

With the basic course “Kindertagespflege” lasting 30 hours you have the possibility realise near-term and simple the entrance into the work as day carer for children. The needed requirements are regulated by the terms of reference for day care of the city of Leipzig corresponding to §23 SGB VIII und SächsKitaG.




  • expectations of day care for children and declaration of motivation
  • legal and financial basics of the day care for children
  • duties and daily routine of a childminder
  • the child in two families
  • the realisation of familarisation
  • the first contact with parents



Kurt-Eisner-Str. 17

04275 Leipzig



160,00 € for 30 lessons


Dates 2021

Next Appointment : 02/03/2021 to 05/03/2021 8am-3pm




More appointments are planned


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