WIESENKNOPF®: Babysitter agency and private childcare for families in Leipzig and in Halle

Discover our flexible babysitting services in Leipzig and surrounding areas! Whether it's for a few hours or extended periods, regular or sporadic appointments, our babysitters are at your disposal. We offer care on weekends and overnight, tailoring our services to your needs. Care can take place either in your home or at another agreed-upon location. Our babysitters provide an enhanced criminal record check, a first aid course for children, and, upon request, a health certificate—ensuring the highest priority on the safety and well-being of your children. Trust in our reliable babysitting for a secure and nurturing experience.


stundenweise-und-flexible-Kinderbetreuung-ab-0-Jahre Babysitter Kindertagespflege
WIESENKNOPF® One-Site support

WIESENKNOPF® babysitting at events

We prepare age-based activities  for the children of your guests, such as fingerplays, dances, handicraft works, children's make-up or nursery rhymes. For older children we have special offers, such as the creation of their own bags or T-shirts. This can be arranged individually in advance.